About Us

A AbSafe

We are an engineering and industrial safety company, specialized in the implementation of regulatory standards NR 10, NR 12 and NR 20.

Our team is composed of technicians and engineers with extensive experience, and participation in major safety projects, in addition to having the international certification CMSE® - Certified Machinery Safety Expert - TUV Nord.

If you have a machine or equipment in operation, and need to adapt it to NR 12, we can assist you in all stages:

  1. 1. Inventory of machines and equipment and risk mapping
  2. 2. Risk assessment according to ISO 12100
  3. 3. Conceptual design for adaptation to NR12
  4. 4. Safety project for adaptation to NR12
  5. 5. Implementation of safety systems
  6. 6. Functional tests, preparation of validation report, and Technical Term of Responsibility (ART)

Consulting on NR 12 - Machinery manufacturers and importers

We provide specialized consulting and engineering services to manufacturers and importers of machinery and equipment.

We operate from the evaluation process to the details of the safety measures necessary for the machine to be manufactured in accordance with NR 12 and other current safety standards.

Ao término da fabricação ou após a chegada da máquina do Brasil, realizamos uma inpeção detalhada dos sitemas de segurança e elaboramos os laudos técnicos de conformidade, assim como a emissão da ART (Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica).

Innovative solutions for industrial management

We have innovative thinking! Based on our experience, we have developed dedicated software for workplace safety management for industries, as well as management solutions for machine manufacturers and importers.

Software dedicated to occupational safety management

Abportal – Machinery Data Portal
Exclusive software dedicated to management by machine manufacturers and importers

Global Performance

If you are an international machine manufacturer and need to export to Brazil, we can assist in all steps related to safety.

Executamos processos de avaliação requeridos e desenvolvemos as soluções de segurança e documentações ténicas necessárias, para que a máquina seja fabricada em conformidade coma norma NR 12 e as demais normas técnicas vigentes, evitando possíveis retrabalhos após a chegada da máquina no Brasil.

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Specialized consultancy for exporting machines to Brazil: Our services are provided by engineers specialized in safety and with international experience that includes assistance to machine manufacturers from the most diverse countries around the world, such as Italy, Germany, France, United States, South Korea, Taiwan, China, among others.

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Our projects

Conheça alguns de nossos projetos e empresas que já confiam nos serviços da Absafe:

Serviços NR 12
Serviços NR 12
Serviços NR 12
Serviços NR 12
Serviços NR 12
Serviços NR 12
Serviço animação
Serviço animação
Serviço animação
Serviço animação
Serviço animação
Serviço animação