
For machine manufacturers and importers inherently safe design

Many possible risks characteristic of the machine design phase can be avoided simply by careful analysis of factors, such as materials, access requirements, hot surfaces, transmission methods, danger points, stress levels, etc.

Machine manufacturers and importers must ensure that their machines are capable of being used with all necessary safety. The risk assessment must start at the machine design stage and must take into account all the predictable tasks that will be performed on the machine. This approach to tasks based on the initial interactions of risk analysis is very important.

For example, there may be a need for constant access to the machine to adjust moving parts.

Therefore, at the design stage, it must be possible to design measures, which will allow this process to be carried out with complete safety. If it is lost at an early stage, it may be difficult or impossible to implement at a later stage.

Our safety consultants can assist, with the necessary safety measures for the machines to be designed and manufactured, with all the necessary safety systems, minimizing the risks and meeting the requirements of the current safety standards, thus avoiding changes in the machine after the supply, optimizing unnecessary time and costs.

After manufacturing and assembling the machine, we carry out a detailed inspection and test all existing safety systems. The aim is to ensure that the machine is safe and in compliance with safety standards. At the end of this process, we issued a detailed technical report (Report NR 12) with the result obtained in the inspection and photographic records that show that the machine was manufactured in compliance with NR 12 and other current safety standards.

Consulting specialized in exporting machines to Brazil

Exporting machine manufacturers face complex compliance and legislation issues when exporting machines to other countries. A machine that meets the guidelines and standards for one location may not conform to another countrys specifications.

We carry out the required evaluation processes and develop the necessary safety solutions for the machine to be manufactured in accordance with the NR 12 standard and the other technical standards in force in Brazil.

After the evaluation carried out by our consultants, if any type of non-compliance with local regulations is found, we issue a detailed technical report where we suggest the safety measures and corrections necessary for the machine to meet the legal requirements in force.

Após a fabricação e montagem da máquina no Brasil, realizamos uma inspeção detalhada e testamos todos sistemas de segurança existentes, a fim de assegurar que a máquina encontra-se segura e adequada as normas de segurança.

At the end of this process, we issued the Technical Term of Responsibility (ART), as well as a detailed technical report (Report NR 12) with the result obtained in the inspection and photographic record that shows that the machine was manufactured in accordance with NR 12 and other standards safety measures.